> Marble Meredith is a renowned researcher of Naru's one and only space centre. Having worked all to the way up to prove her theory on the origins of stars, she was met with disdain as the known prodigy, Skylar Altair barges in to ruin all of her plans with his even better theory. Now, they have to unwillingly work together to find the real truth for the sake of proving each other wrong, all while their colleagues are having fun racing spaceships along the orbits.


✧ this section is to keep track of current story developments

✧ > overview: this story is slightly more new compared to the rest of the main/supporting lineup actually, I think I started it as a concept since 2023 so its relatively underdeveloped esp in regards to the size of the cast lol, the neat little cast of chars does have a vibe tho I rlly wanna expand more on the rest of the space centre, funnily enough the og concept of the story rlly started off as an excuse to explore the K.I.T tech academy but a workplace setting seemed more fun to write abt

in fact this wasn't gonna be a huge story but only there to explore the main two chars' dynamic but after combining it w another two chars from a standalone concept it started to rlly take off (unintentional space pun? lol), also I need to mention how this page is the prettiest of them all, the whole story is just an ode to all things space and stars and galaxies

✧ > latest development: ngl I kinda don't remember lmao thou there def have been efforts in making the plot slightly more lore relevant, its always been abt the constellations and stars as raw magic energy but I'm also thinking there needs to be a reason for the team to seek for more energy sources out of space to begin w, w this taking place in the future era it makes sense that relying solely on the mortal plane for magic energy is no longer feasible, maybe there's some sort of depletion going on idk, but not so dire that nobody can live there anymore lmao, just more *it would be preferrable if there is a better energy source for the future* and it is where the speculation of using other stars started to become a thing after finding out the sun is a star after all (wow title mention)


✧ upcoming story developments

✧ expand the cast roster rlly lmao the team is probs a lottt bigger, a good 4-5 more would suffice tbh, just need to think abt their roles...

✧ funnily enough Marble/Skye alrdy have a dynamic playlist long before having their individual ones so that shall come eventually, alongside the rest of the current chars after I solidify their concepts a bit more

✧ draft chapters outline lol there's some rlly nice scenes I needa keep track of

“ just as the sun does not need anyone to say it's glowing, for its warmth to dwell upon the sea; stars do so too, in ways we do not yet grasp ”
— 🔭

coming soon~




The main cast of the story ~ if you want to know the full cast sorted by affiliation, check out the character page!