> Cinnamon Swirl, an enthusiastic, ambitious inventor seeks to solve the disappearance of the princess from a neighbouring kingdom; one that her best friend, Bramble Carver was framed for murdering after being cursed by a mysterious entity. Amidst solving the mystery and seeking a cure, she soon finds out the possibility to shift fate, going beyond her initial plan by reversing tragedy in pursuit of more clues and a shared dream since childhood. Along her quest, Cinnamon blurs the line between life and death, all whilst uncovering the bitter ties between ancient bloodlines and confronting the weight of impermanence.


✧ this section is to keep track of current story developments

✧ > overview: POE is also one of my oldest stories alongside TEF, meant to be developed in parallel though unfortunately TEF tends to be the one that I brainrot abt more mostly cuz alotta plot points are solidified unlike POE, though this is partly also cuz POE wasn't owned by me for a while lol I've basically "adopted" these chars and pretty much the entire story from an old friend of mine around 2021, there has been efforts to preserve the og nostalgic vibe of the story but there's also so much new stuff going on

the story sorta went through a revamp around mid 2023 when I finally figured out the char bonds/overarching theme of the story compared to the previous underdeveloped mess lmao, so far I quite like where the story is going though it has proven to be much much more complex (even more so than TEF arguably) mainly cuz it is meant to be a sort of companion story alongside it, not exactly a sequel though

the story is probs also more wack to write w the whole alt reality thing going on midway through the story lmao, like what exactly happens in there is a whole thing I'm still figuring out, though I do know it's the more lore heavy part of the story where all the ancient mysteries come to light, I just don't know yet how the chars will interact w such a plot point though

✧ > latest development: having Ember play a bigger role in the story (she quickly became such a fav of mine after developing her further, straight up renamed even, she was named Amber but the new fire related name rlly hints at the tragedy she went through alongside her role in Aaron + Shade's arc) overall she just haunts the story more now and even becomes some sorta mentor towards Cindy in the alt reality where she's still alive


✧ upcoming story developments

✧ finish main lineup char playlists (10/14 done) > Reese, Peachi, Aspen & Ember left (might even tweak Aichi's playlist a bit tbh I want it to reflect her playfulness more)

✧ figure out more plot points rlly, and overall char arcs before I can start writing char profiles + outline the chapters further (funnily enough those who's playlists aren't finished yet are the least developed chars so far)

“ the edge of the sky, the end of the earth, they will trace along where it glows, by then they shall find us ”
— ꕤ

Some youngsters got involved in a murder mystery of a neighbouring kingdom. Now they have to untangle the beef and undoom the narrative between ancient bloodlines to uncover the true culprit before the cycle of life and death are blurred by the cursed fate of immortality ™

Our main protagonist is Cinnamon Swirl, an enthusiastic, ambitious inventor that wanders around collecting trinkets to create even wilder trinkets. Everything was great until her friend was framed for murdering her other friend (hate it when that happens)

Cindy has always been an optimistic big dreamer, child at heart, full of whimsy (one might even think she's over the top), all she wants is to travel around to share her creations, a dream she once shared with her best friend Bramble Carver (who had desires to share his music to the world) only for things to go south once he was cursed by a mysterious entity and accused of causing the disappearance of a young princess (who was a mutual friend of theirs)

Cindy now has to play detective cuz nobody else is naive enough to seek the truth, or rather, there was an attempt to solve the mystery by a famous explorer team a while back, only to be left with the death of their leader, followed by their eventual disbandment, it becomes apparent that with so much tragedy going on there must be the one true culprit (there is)

While it seems that Cindy has the grand goal to bring justice to the kingdom and the explorer team, her ideals are thinly veiled by her selfish desires to cure Bramble of his curse (in which he never agreed to), thinking it will absolve everything that took their dream away, but that's for her to fuck around and find out (by toying with fate that is) (not a good thing to do)




The main cast of the story ~ if you want to know the full cast sorted by affiliation, check out the character page!